03/24/2025 Snippet, LA BETE.

Almost done with the ending, then I can write the climax, and then this is done.

“Yes, that’s what the Duke of Ajaccio told me, after the battle. He was remarkably apologetic about it, while at the same time not being sorry at all. I suppose that I should tell you that I likewise did not know that you had been elf-shot, and left in a corner to twitch. The Committee for Public Safety has gotten a bit indelicate of late, don’t you think?”

Joseph tried not to grimace. It would be easier if he did know for a fact he was wearing a truth-sniffer. “Of course they have, General Berthier. They are losing, not least because of the Duke. Without him leading this army, the Committee might have already, ah, had victory in the Vendee.” That felt safe enough to say, but… Do not ask me when I heard about the Queen’s death!

Thankfully, Berthier did not. Instead he stood up, and gave Joseph an appraising look. “Tell me: do you feel betrayed by the Committee, right now?”

“For them keeping secrets from me? No.” Berthier’s eyebrow raised, but Joseph pressed on. “But for using abominably the very people I recruited for the Revolution? Absolutely. I made promises to that tribe, General. For the Committee to break those promises behind my very back? Well, as you yourself said, it is a demonstration of who they trust.”

From Berthier’s smile, that was the right answer. “I took you for a man who knows when further resistance is futile, Citizen Fouché. Come, let us find you better clothes, and a pail of clean water. His Majesty does not expect perfection in a field audience, but he appreciates it when one at least makes an attempt.”

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