That’s not how this works, Middle Earth: Shadow of War.
That’s not how any of this works.
I mean, did they read the books? …They didn’t read the books, did they. Also: now we know that people really can’t come back from the grave, because if they could JRR Tolkien would have over this. With CS Lewis. And a Sherman tank.
The good ship “Not Cannon” sailed with the first game. So much so that I overlooked the story and just enjoyed the wargame.
I’m with Jay here. The books are over there, untouched.
Look, I’m probably buying the damned thing anyway, especially if I decide to bite the bullet and put in a new hard drive (and graphics card, and maybe more RAM). But I reserve the right to be appalled.
“But I reserve the right to be appalled.”
Fair enough.
How did this franchise get green-lit? I mean, the movies were bad enough. Christopher, who almost disinherited his son for supporting the movies, isn’t dead yet to my knowledge. Would he emerge from his hermitage one last time to right this grievous departure?
It misses the point badly enough that it has to be considered a parody, and thus, fair use.
But I’m pretty sure more was signed away during the movie deal than they really meant to under clauses like “derivative video games”.
And yet I don’t care. Shadows of Mordor was a great game (it won game of the year from a number of outlets) and if this sequel is remotely close to it, then it’ll be a great game. Also I suspect that there’s enough handwavium in the set up to justify why Celebrimbor suddenly has levels in Jewelcrafting.
Besides, I played Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. That game ended with you literally fighting the Eye of Sauron. The LotR games are a series where the Lego games are among the more faithful to canon.
Hmmm. On the one hand, I did enjoy the Shadow of Mordor game. It was a great combination of the combat style from the Arkham games and swordplay.
On the other, we have this… which could be considered Tolkien fanfic?
well Celebrimbor DID fashion the original rings of power.. would he know enough of the craft to create a ring that was NOT subject to the will of the wearer of the One Ring?