The ‘Defenders’ trailer.

I dunno, folks.

The problem here for me is that I keep starting these shows, and getting enthusiastic about them (except for Jessica Jones, which isn’t the show’s fault*). And then I start watching them, and for one reason or another I stop watching them. Which may be a reflection on my tastes, because I seem to be powering on through with Agents of SHIELD.  So I don’t know whether this is going to hold my interest, either.

Moe Lane

*Basically, I started watching it when I was in the middle of an extremely black mood and I said “Hey! Superhero show! That’ll cheer me up.” …And it took me precisely one episode to realize that, no, this was not a good show for me to be watching, right at that moment.  I’ll probably be more receptive to it when I finally get around to watching it again.

3 thoughts on “The ‘Defenders’ trailer.”

  1. Oh yeah. It did come out around *that* time. But I found most of these shows did that for me eventually: They get stale, and turn into soap operas with super powers. To be fair, most of these were from CW’s broadcast slate…

  2. I have a soft spot for the Defenders, but they’re not normal superheroes. There’s a good chunk of “fantasy of powerlessness” mixed in with the “fantasy of power​”.
    Matt Murdock is a subtle example. By day, he’s a crusading attorney. By night, a feared vigilante. Too bad he can’t read any of the evidence he comes across…

    1. Although I did enjoy it when the literally colorblind character stumbled into the blaxploitation plot.
      No way Marvel would ever countenance that nowadays. That one was truly transgressive. No matter your political outlook, there were uncomfortable truths to confront. The snowflakes would scream bloody murder.

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