6 thoughts on “The Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus trailer.”

  1. The latest Wolfenstein was great. It was one of the games that brought about the current FPS min-Renaissance. It hews much closer to the FPS side than the RPG side though. There’s a skill tree but that’s about it.It oozes atmosphere and feels very much like “High-Tech Nazis have taken over but you are John Wick crossed with Chuck Norris.” It’s worth it at the current $20, but the Steam Summer Sale should be here soon (current rumors are the end of this month) so you might want to wait for that just to save $10-15. The Old Blood, which I haven’t played, is apparently even better.
    For the new game? If this was a different year, I wouldn’t blink an eye. But right now the story beats in the trailer hit a few of my “caution” buttons. The gameplay should be fine though.

    1. Sorry, last version of Wolfenstein I played was way back in the 1900s .. when I was working a call center job…
      Killin’ nazis made the job bearable, so there’s that.

      1. Yeah, I was going to point out that the link didn’t, in fact, go to the first Wolfenstein. The first one was sort-of a mixed 2d/top-down side-scroller, and was a bit of fun. Not nearly as much as wolfenstein 3d tho, in the early 90s. I didn’t think the recent versions had as much charm as the original, because games didn’t take themselves as seriously back then.

  2. I’ve heard nothing but high praise. I’ve been meaning to get around to playing them.
    After I put more time into Fallout 4.
    And Overwatch.

  3. The bit in the trailer with the lefty minister, just rubs me raw. Proletariat? No one but communists spoke that way. BJ should have punched him through the window.

  4. FYI- Wolfenstein the New Order and the other games in the series are on sale at Steam for the weekend. W: New Order is $10, which is a good price.

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