‘The Love Song of Morgaine ‘Morganey’ Jones.’

Since I’m waiting patiently for the Secret World Legends server to turn back on… time for bad fan parody poetry!  Aren’t you lucky! In related news; posting may be a bit light today.


The Love Song of Morgaine ‘Morganey’ Jones

Let us go then, you and I,
To the Tower, defiant against the sky
Like a brooding castle from the fables;
Let us go, through certain ghost-demented streets,
From babbling retreats
To Filthy nights in purple-hued hotels
And noodle restaurants that fight nine Hells:
Streets that contort like a whispered argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an penultimate quest’s end…
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.