It’s gonna be a horror flick:
And not just because the trailer is so obviously cut as one. New Mutants director Josh Boone flat-out said that it was a horror flick, and that he wants to do a trilogy of them. Which he probably will, if this movie takes off.
Will it? I dunno. Marvel’s had no shortage of horror comics, but the only horror comics movies I can think of offhand is the Blade series. But then, this is being made by Fox, which seems to be using its X-Men movie rights lately to make films that are… not bad at all, really. So this might be worth watching. Or it might be unimaginative schlock, which would be a shame; a movie where being able to throw fireballs won’t help you would certainly be promising…
One of the mutants is supposed to be Magick. Oodles and oodles of nightmare fuel in her backstory, if they play it straight.
The mainstream thought on this trailer (read: not the movie), it sucks. The movie better be 100x better.
Fortunately, first trailers often suck.
2 other random thoughts: I bet the faces coming out of the walls is how they’re showing Telepathy, and Gee, I wonder if Stranger Things as a cultural phenomena had any influence on this.
They actually pulled that from A Nightmare on Elm Street, to the point of reproducing the physical effect. But they probably watched Stranger Things, too. If you’re gonna steal, steal from the good stuff.
The brilliant innovate, the successful steal…
…And then there’s Johnny Cash.
Right, I’ve seen the effect before. But I usually associate it with ghosts or demons, or some kind of entity actively trying to do… something. That could be the case with Magick, but she’s not involved in the effect. One of the kids is supposed to be Psylock though.