Annnnnnnd the bad news: there’s gonna be a Murphy Brown revival.

It’d be less bad news if I had any confidence that they’re bringing back Miles Silverberg. I watched Murphy Brown for nine years, and Miles was easily my favorite character.  Something just went out of the show when Grant Shaud left.

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, no original ideas in entertainment anymore, nostalgia kicks, heavy-handed scripts, etc etc etc.  I’d still probably tune in if they got the whole main cast together from Season 1-3.  I guess that makes me part of the problem?

10 thoughts on “Annnnnnnd the bad news: there’s gonna be a Murphy Brown revival.”

  1. I watched this show too, for at least the first few seasons. I can’t imagine it working anymore, at least not for me. Let’s just say my political sensibilities have changed in the last 25 years, and not in a way that would benefit enjoyment of this show.


    Frankly, I’d be surprised if I found the original show (even at its best) still watchable. (And regard my time as too valuable to find out.)

    1. That’s .. well, Moe hasn’t deleted it and banned you yet, so it’s obviously not over whatever line Moe’s drawn ..
      More importantly, it *does* emphasize the difference between today’s media liberal/progressives and those of the Reagan era ..
      I suspect it’s going to be a big opening audience, but will drop off *fast* if it’s as bad as you say .. the Will and Grace reboot isn’t focusing all that much on Trump, despite the way it was pitched, and .. is tolerable.
      This could go the same way .. or it could be “Samantha B – behind the scenes” .. which would likely crater after half a season at best.

  2. As unappealing as the thought might initially be, you quickly realize that they’re going to try to exploit #MeToo.
    And you realize it’s going to be even worse.

  3. Nostalgia for the late 80s through the 90s aside, I can’t imagine this going well. Might have a place on MSNBC, instead of CBS, though.

  4. They released the first season on dvd over a decade ago and last I checked nothing since – lots demand coupled with expensive music rights was the excuse if I recall correctly – but hindsight of foggy memory tell me that it was much more slanted than most remember and only the quality of the cast keeps it a find recollection. Never forget MB lead the assassination team on Dan Quayle – the Sarah Palin of his day – and pushed hard to normalized single mothers and contempt for men.

  5. I remember two bits from the original run- Paul Reubens as Murphy’s wonder assistant in one episode. And the episode where Murphy and Frank “died” in a plane crash and were watching their funeral. During the funeral, a random woman stood up, praised Brown and then noted that if they needed a new newswoman, she was the anchor for the Denver affiliate’s 11:00 PM newscast. Denver is in the half of the country that has a 10 PM newscast. Anyone in that writing room who’d lived in the central or mountain time zones would have caught that, but not the Murphy Brown writers.

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