Well, the computer’s kind of getting backed up.

I got all my music and all of my writings onto the external hard drive, and now I’m trying to get the entire thing backed up as well. I don’t know if that’s going to work, but I just spent an hour trying to get the two computers to recognize each other on a direct LAN network (one would recognize both; the other would only recognize itself). I have enough for a quick and dirty transfer, in other words. That may have to do.

2 thoughts on “Well, the computer’s kind of getting backed up.”

  1. Done less than perfectly is still done.
    (Shrug) I recall weekends spent poring over manuals to tweak an OS or install drivers properly back when I was single, graphical interfaces were shells, and plug&play was a miracle that hadn’t happened yet.
    I don’t have the time or mindspace to do that anymore. Heck, two consecutive uninterrupted hours to work on something is a novelty.
    Accept thy limitations. 😉 Wives and kids don’t appreciate being ignored.

  2. You’re probably already set with this but “the other would only recognize itself” probably means “file and network sharing is turned off.” Fastest way to fix that is to open Explorer and click Network in the tree in the left pane. You should get a little yellow bar at the top of the right-hand pane telling you it’s off and that you can click it to go to the right place in the control panel to fix it.

    Also: if you’ve got two PCs and just need them to talk to each other at the moment (that is, don’t need internet) just connect the Ethernet jacks directly. Apparently pretty much all computers these days know how to deal with that and automatically adjust–no need even for a crossover cable.

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