3 thoughts on “Neverwinter Nights for four bucks in Steam Summer Sale.”

  1. Why dost thou tempt me, demon? WHY? Would you dangle a bottle of tequila in front of a confessed alcoholic?

    No. I will be strong.

  2. It’s been out somewhere between 15-20 years, and has been readily available for nearly that entire time. (Shrug) I figure most anyone who’s wanted to play it, already has.
    Also, Gog gave it away free as a promotion a couple of years ago.
    I got it back when it was released.
    I vaguely remember being unimpressed by the story.

  3. The story was okay, although the concept certainly would have worked as a PnP campaign. It took me a long time to grind through the first chapter or so, since it was a rather tedious sequence of fetch quests. I don’t remember how many times I set the game aside, came back, couldn’t recall what was going on, and restarted. The later chapters were better, I think, although that may have been in part because I hadn’t played them to death.

    I got far, far more mileage out of the modding aspects of the game – modifying the system to support coinage, adding custom magic items, converting some of my own adventures to NWN. There was (is still?) a lot of player-made content (adventures, additional costumes for characters, accessories, map sets, etc), and the game includes the toolset used to assemble modules.

    Although, as old as it is, it’s got some elements that might be annoying if the game proper hasn’t been updated. IIRC, it wants to use the Windows registry to store data (because, at the time, that was considered normal practice) – but that now requires administrator rights. Plus, it was written before 16:9 and 16:10 monitors existed, so it takes some effort to get it to display correctly without letterboxes on the sides of the screen.

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