The JACK RYAN Season 2 teaser trailer.

Missed this somehow:

As you may recall, I was uncertain about the first season of JACK RYAN until Vanity Fair‘s horrified review of it made the sale. I’ll be waiting reasonably eagerly for the second season, based on the first one*. So thanks, Vanity Fair!

No idea when Jack Ryan Season 2 is coming out, mind you.

Moe Lane

*For those wondering what I think caused Vanity Fair to lose its SAN over this miniseries, I think that I can say it now: it was probably the moment where one woman begged the LORD for succor, and the LORD indeed sent forth an angel to save His devoted servant… in the form of a fully-armed Predator drone, presumably because He wasn’t feeling very New Testament-y that day. Which wouldn’t bother you, and certainly wouldn’t bother me; but other people sometimes have these odd hangups about watching the unrighteous get Smote. I don’t get it, myself, but it happens.

One thought on “The JACK RYAN Season 2 teaser trailer.”

  1. Continuing the irregular Anthem update …

    The good:
    The run-up to Cataclysm is now underway. You can start the storyline (but not advance it yet), and earn some new cosmetic items.
    There are now a number of reskinned enemies who are much tougher than their base models.
    There’s a new way to farm for ember. (But until ember actually becomes useful, there’s not much point.)
    The new visuals and sound design are stunning. The visuals do a great job of evoking wonder and dread in equal measure. And the sound of smashing crystals is much more satisfying than the ember that is the official reward.
    The bad:
    We don’t yet know when Cataclysm is going to launch.
    The loading screens still take an inordinately long time (to the point you wonder if the game froze).
    Remember how I said the game had gotten more stable? Scratch that. It’s crashing like an old friend on your couch. It’s almost on par with the agonies of the Beta. I played just long enough to grab the new cosmetics, and crashed at least six times. (I can’t rule out that this is due to EA messing with their servers. Apex is crashing a lot too, and is Source engine, rather than Frostbite.)
    There’s also a lot of lag.
    The invisible enemies bug had been fixed, but has returned.
    In short, it’s a dumpster fire. Mobility still feels amazing. Combat is serviceable and tactically interesting. Visuals and sound are awesome. There are some excellent stories and NPCs (even though they wasted the menace of The Monitor).
    But it doesn’t work consistently.
    Also, loot still sucks.
    During the couple of hours I actually got to play between crashes, I didn’t get a single item that was high enough level to be useful. Not a single gold item dropped, for a javelin that is max power and gold from head to toe.

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