Via (hee) Dissenting Justice (hee-hee), via (hee-hee-hee) Instapundit:
Solicitor general nominee says ‘enemy combatants’ can be held without trial
Reporting from Washington — Harvard Law Dean Elena Kagan, President Obama’s choice to represent his administration before the Supreme Court, told a key Republican senator Tuesday that she believed the government could hold suspected terrorists without trial as war prisoners.
She echoed comments by Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. during his confirmation hearing last month. Both agreed that the United States was at war with Al Qaeda and suggested the law of war allows the government to capture and hold alleged terrorists without charges.
This (Hee-hee-hee-HA!) is, of (HAH-HAHH!) course, not no (HWAAHHAAAH!) …ticiably
different from (MABBRRHH-HAA-HHHAHHH!) Bush’s posi (MBWAHHH-HAAA!!!!)…tion on the (HA-AAA-HAAAA-HAAAAWAHAA-HAAAAAA1!!!!!) subject, (HAHH-SMHGDG-SNORT) which should. make. for. some. co.mmen.tar.y. from. the. Left…
:helpless waving on from on the floor:
Crossposted at RedState.
Hey Moe: I am on the Left! But I am looking for nondissenting views from the Left as well!
And I sincerely wish you luck in your efforts. Who knows? Maybe you can get the horse to sing.
“Maybe you can get the horse to sing.”
I’d have to buy one first – so I guess that’s a pretty bad sign. I have surfed around. Nothing yet. I imagine Greenwald will put up something. He has become angry lately – after the state secrets. He’s still boiling on that issue; so I think he will come through. Other than the major slip on rendition, he has been one of the most critical left-wing bloggers with respect to Obama and the Left…
Watch out, Moe! You better hold your sides:
Gotta love the potential overlap between politics and webcomics found here 😛
Ahhh, sweet, sweet irony. Kudos to Dissenting Justice for representing the Left with serious thought and dignity. Read some of his stuff and I didn’t throw up. Not even once!