5 thoughts on “Book of the Week: …I got nothing, sorry.”

  1. Frozen Dreams is quite good .. I’m holding out for Tinsel Rain….
    Okay, more seriously .. https://www.amazon.com/Duplicity-Tirchs-Arch-Embers-Dark-ebook/dp/B015MA2K00/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=kelson+lucas&qid=1606634743&sr=8-1
    The Duplicity of Tirch’s Arch is rather unlike Moe’s work; Mr. Lucas merges high fantasy themes with Japanese anime tropes, and makes it work quite well, for a first time author .. and hey, it’s under four bucks.

  2. I’d give this one a try.


    I suspect the author of this book read and enjoyed L. Sprague De Camp’s “Lest Darkness Fall” because it has a very similar flavor at times even though the challenges that Myna faces are often a bit different. It should probably be noted that it’s the first in a series and that nine books within the series have been translated so far with more to come. If you don’t mind the chance that you might be hooked on a series of that length then you might want to give this one a try.

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