11 thoughts on “Still alive!”

  1. Welcome to the alternative time line where you had the surgery, it’s pretty much the same as the one before you got the surgery except your parts are in the correct places and Gov. Cuomo’s parts aren’t.
    Okay, lame overly political jokes aside, glad you’re back and I’ll just see myself out.

  2. Cutting into the flesh is never something to take lightly, no matter how routine it’s purported to be. Glad to know you’ll continue to write and be a dad and be a husband and accrue RPG sourcebooks for years to come.

  3. On my honor I solemnly swear I did my best not to steal your identity while you were unconscious.

    1. You didn’t? A pity. I have two chapters of editing revisions that need doing, because that’s my identity these days. 🙂

      1. I did do the revisions…in the other timeline where I succumbed to temptation and stole life. They were really easy too. I just did everything that brilliant commentator bensdad00 suggested and the editing was done.

  4. “Still Alive” you say?

    Doctor: “This was a triumph. [Making a note here] Huge Success! It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction.”

    1. I was getting back on for the sole purpose of making that reference. Can’t believe it didn’t immediately occur to me. I’m slipping in my dotage.

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