They’re supposed to be filming the new FANTASTIC FOUR in 2024. Which is another way of saying that nobody’s been cast for it yet. Which is good, in its way. If you don’t know who the cast is, you can’t be disappointed by the choices, and/or how they butchered the role.
Sorry, that comes across as bitter. Probably because it is: a decent F4 flick has been teased for decades. Hell, it’s been teased for as long as I’ve been alive. Only, we never got one. Why should now be any different?
Because Hollywood finally got over its love affair with bathos?
Because everybody agrees that a superhero movie should spend more time on interpersonal relationships than kewl powerz?
Because you got into the Bursar’s dried frog pills?
Forced myself to sit through several iterations of Fantastic Four.
Nobody involved understands the source material. (for at least one, nobody involved had even read it, far as I could tell)
For the record, I was not a comic book kid; I grew up on Tom Swift, Tolkien, and whatever other science fiction and fantasy I could get my hands on .. and if I can tell they don’t understand the material .. school libraries were often chasms of disappointment.
Point being .. not only did the people involved not understand the material, they didn’t understand how to do dialogue, build drama, create compelling characters, etc. They suck as *storytellers* as well as *interpreters of an existing story*.
Why would we get a better one this time? Because we’re either at the end of the “Marvel age” .. the numbers seem to be trending downward for “Marvel movies” .. or Marvel are having ‘political problems’ .. same result ..
We know there’s Hollywood execs saying “We know there’s people with disposable incomes who like the Fantastic Four, we have the rights already, let’s try it one more time.” .. because how many iterations of Spiderman are we on?
The lightning-in-a-bottle for Reed and Ben and Sue and Johnny will be a writer who can *tell a story* .. with actors who can *emote* .. and it could happen.
If it doesn’t, perhaps there’ll be another Deadpool along.
You both sound bitter and you have every right to be. I’m beginning to think that all of the iterations of the Fantastic Four on film constitute a deliberate refusal to entertain the public. I don’t know whether it’s just age or all of the scar tissue, but nowadays, I just hope films don’t suck. That way, I get a pleasant surprise every now and then.
Wait…the Bursar has what??
PTerry reference.
A rare thing that I’m more accepting of a movie than the folks here.
I rather enjoyed the 2005 version. But, I confess, Jessica Alba will have that effect on a young man…..
The first one with Jessica Alba, Horatio Hornblower, combustible douchebag Steve Rodgers, and The Comish was alright for its time. Sequel was garbo though.
I’d have more confidence if they hadn’t already muffed up Kang, who used to be primarily a FF villain. Also Namorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I want to see a *Dr Doom* movie.
He dips over to the superhero side of the line enough times that it should be possible.
I mean, it would probably be awful, but it would be a fresh, *new* kind of awful… and it’s not like the actual comics haven’t done him worse already a time or two.