In the e-Mail: Queen’s Heir.

Full title: Queen’s Heir: A Fantasy set among the Hittites at the end of the Bronze Age, by John E Boyle. I picked it up because you don’t see that many fantasy novels drawing on the Hittites*, and I was hoping for some Conanesque-style fiction. So far, it’s delivering.

One complaint, though: no map. Or at least I haven’t seen one yet. Minor quibble, though.

Moe Lane

*Annnnd, okay, he said nice things about my latest novel TINSEL RAIN. That’s going to be enough to let me grab one of his books, but not enough to keep me reading it, or save time by grabbing the sequel. Queen’s Heir is good stuff.

[UPDATE: Let the record show that I wrote all of this before realizing that it was Constant Reader jeboyle. Anybody else hiding their lights under bushels?]

2 thoughts on “In the e-Mail: Queen’s Heir.”

  1. Many thanks for this post; I had not meant it to be a quid pro quo sort of thing (although I did mention your book in my interview on the DMR Books blog). Much appreciated and I’m glad you like Queen’s Heir.

    Unfortunately, the map and the audio book are in the same place: the limbo inhabited by jerks on the Internet who agree to provide one with a service and who then disappear. When I get a map done, I’ll get one to you. If it is any help, the NW coast of Europa looks like the Doggerland map: the sea level is 400 feet lower and you can walk from Paris to Dublin because the glaciers haven’t melted yet in this alternate Earth.

    The continent looks mostly the same except there is no Black Sea and no Alps. It is dominated by the Great Rhine, a river that flows along the combined routes of our Rhine and Danube. And Byzantium sits at the northern end of the Narrow Sea, which is a reverse mirror-image of Chesapeake Bay.

    Thanks again.

    1. …Jesus, man, TELL me about your books next time! I would have put up links years ago! 🙂

      Moe Lane

      PS: Anybody else got a book they really should be networking on a friendly site right now?

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