The ‘Can you see my narrowed eyes? They are VERY narrowed’ INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY trailer.

I am… dubious. I mean, this isn’t a horrible trailer for INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY. But the trailers for INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL weren’t horrible, either. Now, I didn’t hate that movie the way some people did* – but neither did I really think it needed a sequel. And yet, here we are.


*It made a ton of money at the box office, and the critics actually liked it well enough. I think I can justify ‘some,’ here.


5 thoughts on “The ‘Can you see my narrowed eyes? They are VERY narrowed’ INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY trailer.”

  1. Lost me at that bit there where I’m like “Tell me you don’t understand capitalism, without telling me you don’t understand capitalism.”

  2. I was in the “do not want” camp well before the test audience debacle, outcry, and reshoots.

    If you missed it, the rumor was that the test audience was shown an ending where Indy sacrificed himself and was lost to time, so a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN must take his place and remake movies 1-3 (with an extra side of sexism) to keep the timeloop stable.

    I’ll admit that the only reason why I’m skeptical at this point, is that there have been no reports of the relevant zeks decorating lampposts.

  3. There are very few names or companies that have enough trust to get my money before extensive public reviews of the released product are available.
    Tom Cruise.
    Russell Crowe.

    That’s about it.

    Wes Anderson is on probation after tossing off Bill Murray for Tom Hanks. Peter Jackson burned all his good will f*cking up the hobbit. Dwayne Johnson got arrogant and made himself President. Michael Madsen died.

  4. I have no confidence that anything the current Lucasfilm leadership has charge of won’t turn out to be a hot mess.

    I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if (as rumored) the movie ends with a Kelvin timeline-style reboot to set up a new franchise centered around Phoebe Waller-Bridge (the actress who plays the goddaughter)

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