Was up until 3 AM, playing STARFIELD. Then got up again at 6:45 to watch the kids leave for school, yawned my way through my Secret World Legends lair, slept until noon, went out to have a sub sandwich and beer with my wife (her seasonal favorite was still available) in the perfect September sunshine, had to go nap again, and now it’s Friday afternoon of a three-day weekend.
Such a horrible day. If I’m not careful, it’s going to be much of the same tomorrow, too.
Although the 3am rack time speaks volumes, how about a little mini review of your first impressions of Starfield? Unfortunately, I don’t have an X Box, and my laptop probably isn’t powerful enough to run it, so your mini-review will probably the closest I get to playing it.
Bragging is unseemly.
I haven’t learned the interface the way that I’ve learned Fallout’s and Skyrim’s. The UI isn’t always intuitive, and the game has no trouble with letting you walk into vacuum without your suit on (worse, it won’t loudly tell you when you don’t need a suit). Somebody’s going to figure out how to make the ship combat controls better, too, because as it stands now it’s a little too clunky. And there’s a persistent stutter. But it’s a good game all the same.