Look, YOU know what to get the author in your life for the holidays.

Book reviews. That is what we crave. Book reviews. Oh, we want you to buy our books. We never shut up about it, and we don’t care. But we dream of book reviews. We crave them. The algorithms demand this craving, and our supplication under their cold, pitiless gazes. We must obey, for we have no choice. The algorithms may not be denied.

Ease our suffering.

Moe Lane

PS: It doesn’t have to be me! If you’re hate-reading this, surely there is an author that you like! Go review their books! They will bless your name forever if you do.


One thought on “Look, YOU know what to get the author in your life for the holidays.”

  1. Just *a* review would be nice. Just one. More than one…well, let’s manage our expectations, shall we?

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