And here’s another member of our intrepid little Lunar band.
“You were quiet during the meeting,” Tobias observed on his way back to his quarters. “Everything all right, Asenath?”
I decided that my input would be particularly unwelcome in this case, Commander, the cool voice in his head told him. Considering how nobody else in the room believes I exist.
“Oh, that’s not as bad as it used to be.” Tobias came closer to a smile than he usually did, lately. “The senior staff thinks you’re a safe delusion. One that tells me to be careful, and eat better.”
You should.
“I get enough calories. Anyway, as long as you don’t start telling me to do stupid things, they’ll rationalize you away as a harmless psychosis.” Tobias frowned. “I wonder if that’s true for the people in Ward’s report.”