So I *think* the podcast went well.

At least, the sound was good and I’m pretty sure I didn’t err and umm the entire way through. I’m just… well, not worried, per se. I’m just wondering whether “I started out reading Stephen King, back when he was good” (or however I put it) was the most diplomatic thing I could have said, during the podcast. I mean, it’s objectively true and everything, but was it particularly kind?

Well! I’ll let you know when it’s up.

Moe Lane

PS: My books are here. In case somebody comes wandering in later, belike.


One thought on “So I *think* the podcast went well.”

  1. Kindness is not niceness.

    Niceness is overlooking that King had a number of.. problems .. as a writer (not knowing how to write an ending for one) that got worse as he got more fame (and fewer editors would call him out)…

    Kindness is speaking the cold truths as warmly and gently and clearly as honesty permits.


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