The ‘The Rules Exist For A Reason’ THE HERETIC trailer.

It’s not that I don’t like the concept of THE HERETIC. It’s that it’s one of those films that needs their protagonists to do something stupid (like not see the wife with their own eyes before entering the house) for it to work. It is also a movie that would get shut down in about five minutes if one of the protagonists simply had a revolver, but that’s a common problem in American horror movies*.

*Writing horror novels set in the present and/or future are a real problem in this regard, let me tell you. That and cell phones. Cell phones kill half a dozen different perfectly good horror scenarios dead, dead, dead.

One thought on “The ‘The Rules Exist For A Reason’ THE HERETIC trailer.”

  1. A few directors recently admitted that is why they like to set horror movies in the past (lots of 70s & 80s), to avoid the cell phone issue. Alternatively, there has to be a semi-plausible explanation for them to not be working besides being in a very remote location.

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