I have discovered a limit to air fryers.

Hamburgers. There does not seem to be a consensus on the recipes, probably because the recipes all disagree one what a proper hamburger should look like inside. I picked a recipe that was, ‘medium, silly!’ when I’m a pretty firm believer in ‘well-done*’…

I mean, I fixed it before eating it. But I don’t see the fryer doing burgers the way I like ’em.

Moe Lane

*Steaks should be eaten at medium-rare to medium. I recognize that good, decent people like rare steaks, and at least medium-well isn’t well-done. But that’s my range.

3 thoughts on “I have discovered a limit to air fryers.”

    1. Because too many people think meat comes from the store?
      Is that the reason?
      (Yes, I’m being sarky. But that’s way overdone.)

      This thread has had me rub my temples a number of times because of the inherent wrongness.

      For all the hype, air fryers are just small convection ovens. They’re great, especially for heating up precooked foods like pizza rolls or chicken tenders.
      But if you’re trying to make a burger in an oven, you’re doing it wrong. At best, you’re going to get a meatloaf sandwich. (And I’m actively resisting the urge to go on at length about why.)

  1. Bah.

    IF you must cook a burger indoors, start by heating a cast iron skillet (dry) in a 500 degree oven. Add the burger(s), back in the oven for 5 minutes, flip the burger(s) and back in.. 5 minutes for medium, longer for philistines.


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