09/01/2024 Snippet, [TBD]

I’m not sure yet what to call this one. I had to drastically rewrite the premise, as it is. Fermi Resolution story!

Grimoire House
Boston, Massachusetts
2818 AD

The policeman led the way through the half-flooded tunnel, my balefire bobbing jerkily above him and tinting the ancient sub-way walls grey-green as we traveled. Under different circumstances, Lieutenant Curwin might have been most congenial company for a ramble through Boston’s underground passages; he was quite elegantly pale and wan, with the kind of mad-tousled ebony hair that the upper-class swells spent hours carefully imitating. Well. The human ones.

Alas, this was a commercial excursion, not an opportunity for a flirtation or two. Even if I was still unsure why I had been called in for a consultation with the Boston Department of Public Works. My fees are quite large, and not negotiable — and apparently not a concern to the city at this time. That last detail was all that Curwin felt comfortable sharing with me, and I must admit that it was sufficiently interesting to make me agree to accompany him. If I am not to be challenged in my work, at least let me be intrigued.

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