Looks like I’ll be vending at Doxacon again.

They’re having Doxacon at the Catholic University of America this go round, November 1st and 2nd. I’m definitely going to catch Ken Hite’s talk on ‘Revealing the Numinous in TTRPGs,’ and hopefully Lia Lewis’s ‘The Incarnation: Humanity’s Next Chapter and The Children of Men,’ if there’s no scheduling conflict*. I’m also going to be selling my books there, as per usual for me these days with regard to conventions. If you’re in the area, come on by!

Moe Lane

*P.D. James’ The Children of Men is one of those books that I like to call ‘interesting,’ mostly because ‘makes a complicated argument whose core assumptions I don’t entirely accept but am willing to discuss anyway’ is a mouthful. James was normally a very good detective fiction writer, and this book is unlike any of the others that she wrote (which is also, hah, ‘interesting’ but in a much more normal way). I’m curious to hear Ms. Lewis’s thoughts on the subject.


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