#52: An African-American barber has a completely different definition of what the word ‘short’ means than, say, a Caucasian stay-at-home dad does.
#53: When the barber asks you – in a slightly skeptical tone – to consult the chart on the wall after you’ve told him to cut your hair short; if you wear glasses to correct your very nearsightedness, PUT YOUR GLASSES ON before you consult said chart.
#54: If you have just learned #52 & #53, have a good laugh over it afterward. That one, I managed.
Moe Lane
PS: No, no pictures. What do you think I am, mad? Don’t answer that.
Dude, you still wear glasses? You need contact lens.
What No pics and you the man with all the advice on cameras.
Dave: my wife (who is home until the baby comes) and my mom (who is visiting) had precisely the same reaction to the haircut; so no, no pictures.
#52 is the exact reason I went to African-American barbers when it was time for Drill weekend.
Glasses are part of my style, BG.
Cam: I don’t have a haircut that would pass Marine muster; but I think that I have a haircut that would make the DI pause for a moment before telling me to go get one.
Sounds like a barber I’d try.
Well keep in mind that until my experience at a barber like we are discussing, I would have to break out my military ID and show it because I kept getting asked “Are you sure you want it that short?”