Let me tell you a story (via Instapundit).
Once upon a time there was a owner of a packaging material factory in Maine who found out one day that there was a major oil leak disaster going on in the Gulf of Mexico. It turns out that a useful item for oil leak containment – known as ‘floating oil containment boom,’ or just ‘boom’ – was something that the owner’s factory could make; and since business was horrible anyway the owner decided to bring in extra workers and make all the boom that he could. The Governor of Louisiana was yelling for lots and lots of boom, and surely both British Petroleum and the federal government would be downright eager to buy up the boom as fast as the factory could make it.
Surely.So, what happened? Well, British Petroleum did… well, this:
Two weeks ago BP sent a quality control person to Maine, looked at the factory, and was impressed by what he saw. Packgen was feeling confident. That confidence has now turned to frustration. Packgen says BP controls who the boom suppliers are going to be — and they have yet to approve Packgen’s design.
And the federal government did… well, this:
…and the boom piles up in the warehouse.
Moe Lane
PS: That’s it. That’s the end. Boom in Maine; oil in Gulf; ping-bong balls in government beer.
Elections have consequences.
Crossposted to RedState.
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