I have an urge…

…to run through this video and smack EVERY LIVING THING* in it upside the head with a halibut.  Seriously, I have never wanted to drink Perrier water less than I did after watching this thing, and I never understood the appeal of designer H2O in the first place.

And you kids get off of my lawn!

Moe Lane

PS: Morbid curiosity; it was up on the main YouTube page.

*Except for the albino snake.  It’s clearly being held hostage.

5 thoughts on “I have an urge…”

  1. But, man … it’s like, interactive. And it’s got, like, these electrolytes. It’s gotta be good.

  2. “So how was the club last night?”

    “It hellasucked. The air conditioner broke down and the place reeked of yuppie sweat…”

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