It certainly looks like it. I’d normally go into the details Of What It All Means in mind-numbing detail, but I have a doctor’s checkup this morning and I’m away from my stuff, so let me summarize: DO NOT HIRE JOHN WEAVER TO RUN YOUR CAMPAIGN.
Hey, I’m not saying that you should hire me to run your campaign, either. But at least I know my limitations.
Lesson #2:
Do not mock your base in a primary?
Romney/Hunstman 2012!
Hahahhahahahahahahaahaa…I feel sick.
@Doug, why not, it worked for McCain 4 years ago.
A man’s gotta know his limitations…
Someone- I think maybe Smitty over at The Other McCain- said that there should be a republican party blacklist for incompetent political advisors and campaign managers. John Weaver is certainly an arguement in its favor.
Jon Huntsman the embodiment of the present day Republican Party, doesn’t like Conservative but can’t live without them.