My USB hub just apparently died, as did two mice in rapid succession. Given that the USB ports on my computer break if you look at them hard enough, this has been a kind of annoying last hour trying to get at least a mouse (the third, and half-broken one) and speakers hooked up.
Yes, FirstWorldProblems. Still, I banged my head on the underside of the desk, and hey! My blog, so I can grumble about this if I like.
Follow this, may not be a bad USB hub issue at all…
Windows is famous for junk device drivers.
You have offended the gods of geekery. You must wear the Vulcan ears for 3 days and chant the wisdom of Monty Python. Only then will they be propitiated. They used to require a virginal sacrifice, but too many geeks were self-imolating and temple attendance went way down.
I was wondering if the previous post may have been the reult of a technical glitch!
Hey, you still have a computer. Count your blessings…
If you have to buy anything I recommend Monoprice.com (only offer one mouse, but it’s under $5), and they have a bunch of hubs under $10. And they have an internal hub for $8.25 that I’m going to get with my next order of anything with them now that I’ve found it (my old Pentium 4 is still kicking, but USB 1.0 ports suck).
I’m not affiliated with them at all, other than being a satisfied customer (just bought a new wireless router for $25 last week).
Just be glad it wasn’t something that involved partitioning the hard drive and reinstalling to factory settings. Still haven’t fully recovered from that little problem.
This is why I still use the PS/2 connector for my mice. Yes, I can’t hot swap mice, but it’s guaranteed to work on start up every time and it has less latency than when using USB. Got tired of my computer failing to notice that the mouse was still plugged into the same port it always is plugged into.