(Via Rachel Lucas, via AoSHQ) Because apparently resetting to zero their karma counter wasn’t exciting enough:
US Airways passengers get $5,000 each; is it enough?
Many US Airways (LCC) passengers who endured a crash landing in the Hudson River 12 days ago say they appreciate the $5,000 that the airline has offered — but some say it’s not enough.
Joe Hart, a salesman from Charlotte who suffered a bloody nose and bruises, says he “would like to be made whole for the incident.”
It’s too soon after the accident to determine what emotional distress he has suffered, he says.
…time to generate some negative karmic juice by going after the company who pretty much saved their lives. Smooth move, that.
“Emotional distress” is the relevant code phrase: it means “Hi. I plan to be a jerk now” (I’d actually use a harsher word, but I’m trying to be good). Couple that with the fact that the five grand’s just to handle immediate problems that any passengers might have had after surviving an accident where no human was at fault and several humans managed to do everything right at precisely the correct moments – which is another way of saying that the airline’s not being jerks – I think that we can safely assume a certain motive here. Personally, I blame “beautiful snowflake” syndrome: one of the side-effects of constant self-esteem reinforcement (which is something that our culture prides itself in doing, usually at levels that would have made an Egyptian Pharaoh blink) is that it encourages the notion that everything bad that happens to you is of course an absolute, deliberate outrage. Which someone must pay for, also of course.
If this depresses you, look on the bright side: most of the people quoted have worked out that, yeah, they should be dead right now; and that they’ve got better things to do than blame the airline for being attacked by a flock of geese. But there’s always at least one schmuck in the crowd, isn’t there?
Crossposted at Moe Lane.
The attorneys who are taking these cases should be disbarred. These cases are clearly frivolous and any schmuck lawyer who would take one needs to be in a different profession.
Don’t kid yourself, there certainly will be lawyers lining up to ‘represent’ any of the people who decide to sue over this incident. Think about it folks. HOW much money is your life worth? Let’s face it, any lawsuits that arise out of this incident are done so out of greed and nothing else. So Joe Hart wants to be made ‘whole again’ does he? Gee Joe, seems to me, thanks to the miraculous efforts of Chesley Sullenberger, you were able to walk off that plane with everyone else! A bloody nose and bruises Joe?! It’s people like you that bring shame to those that truly appreciate the value of life.
Hey all! I agree with all of you and in fact am writing a position paper about this. If you all have any suggestions or any articles that you think would support this please post as it would really help. I think this guy with bruises should really man up and be kissing some serious butt for the life he still gets to live.
the airlines do noise abatement/reduced power takeoffs. THis puts the airplane at a lower altitude(more birds), and takes them away from noise sensitive(monitored)areas over uninhabited areas(more birds). All condoned by the Airlines, Engine manufacturer, Pilot’s Union, NTSB, FAA, New York Port Authority. All them liable for their actions? The Port Authority Radar is able to see individual birds as well. They didn’t call out traffic to the aircraft in the 1546 US Air incident. Sounds like a lawsuit to me………..w
Personal Injury Lawyers are all greedy bastards. All they see is the 1/3 that they will get.
I can’t see ANY jury in this country going against “Sully” and his team. He is a true American hero, and the thought of any of these passengers sueing them makes me sick.
They (the passengers) should be thanking God and the crew everyday for the rest of their lives for still breathing His air.