Don’t forget, folks: it’s not just the Presidency. We have House and Senate races to attend to, too.
This came out a few days ago, but the NRCC‘s point has obviously not become less relevant since then. Volunteer. Vote. Speak up. And remember: you are not taking back your country: that would imply that somebody actually had the right to take it from you in the first place. You are merely smacking down a bunch of idiots who thought that we had given them the keys to the candy shop.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
Ryan was in Green Bay today at some sort of sporting event they have 8 times (or more) each year. Turns out, through a historical quirk, a few of the games are reserved for Milwaukee residents due to legacy stadium locations. In any case, a bunch of those folks were in the area today for a game. “Two more days” was the chant following him. Make it so.