Tweet of the Day, The Israelis Are Feeling Sporting Today edition.

Personally, I don’t see much point to warning terrorists; but then, I’m not the IDF.

You know. The Good Guys in this particular conflict.

I’d suggest that Hamas ignore this friendly piece of advice, except that my religion is exceptionally hostile to the concept of suicide (including encouraging that tendency in others).


4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, The Israelis Are Feeling Sporting Today edition.”

  1. Yes, it’s baiting. These are people who empty an automatic weapon at a toddler strapped into a car seat and then strut around like they committed an act of valor. Question their bravery and it’ll be like Gallagher playing whack-a-mole.

  2. Apparently the Israelis have decided there is no help coming from America, so they may as well do what they think necessary.

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