…Sorry about that.
Anyway: just how bad is it for the Obama administration right now?
The conservatives appearing on Benghazi-obsessed Fox News are a damage patrol with an approach that goes like this: “Lies, paranoia, subpoena, impeach, Watergate, Iran-contra.”
(Though now that the I.R.S. has confessed to targeting Tea Party groups, maybe some of the paranoia is justified.)
…Never mind the sneer in the first sentence; look at the rueful admission in the second. If Maureen Dowd is acting like this, then the situation is dire for the White House.
(H/T: Legal Insurrection)
Moe Lane
MoDo appears to have realized – although she doesn’t spell it out – that Obama won’t be running for another term.
She and her ilk – liberals vs. leftists, per unrelated Ace post here: (http://ace.mu.nu/archives/339920.php) – know instinctively that they need to decouple their wagons from Obama so they can couple ’em to the next star rising in the firmament .. because the Obama administration has given them no clear successor.
They *usually* hold that kind of activity until after the second mid-term.. but in this case, with no successor*, and Obama’s crashing popularity, they want to be well clear of the blast radius.
Note that the press didn’t quit fellating hagiophiating Clinton because what was good for Bubba was good for successor AlGore.
MoDo is sad because Hil looks like a buffoon & how many people have ever voted for Joe Biden outside of Delaware. I say without irony and more than a little glee, the Dems best candidate might actually be AlGore.
In addition, #Benghazi has proven when the 3 AM call comes, Americans hope Barry and Hil remembered to forward their phones to Dick Cheney.
#Benghazi has just confirmed that nobody answers the phone at 3:00am .. Dems suck at foreign policy.
The Dem run-up to 2016 reminds me of one of those “Any volunteers, step forward! (whole group except for the mark step *backward*)” scenes…
I’m watching to see how many of the the smarter (or, more cunning, if you prefer) Dems step backward, and let Hillary (whose age prevents a 2020 run) or Slow Joe (who is the mark in any room) duke it out for the right to lose….
The only question is who they’ll be losing *to*, and .. as much as his father concerns (or disgusts) me, Rand Paul is putting forth the right efforts.