Whew! Amazon’s back up (feel free to click on through).

Now I can go back to obsessively clicking on Amazon.com once a day to see if anybody’s bought something on that site using my referral links.

…Look, this is about my only discretionary income, OK? Everything else has to go through the family lens first.  Which is fine, but there’s no spontaneity about it.

6 thoughts on “Whew! Amazon’s back up (feel free to click on through).”

  1. How do we find what you recommend? I clicked on the link and it showed me some chick lit and maxi dresses. I am assuming you didn’t recommend that.

    Just curious.

    1. I don’t think we have to actually see what Moe recommends .. just have to visit Amazon via one of Moe’s links.
      Again, that “I THINK” should be capitalized.. Moe can certainly tell me I’m wrong.

    2. Actually, it’s just the link itself, if properly configured: anything you buy within a certain amount of time counts. It’s a great way to support sites at no cost to you: so much so that, if you have sites that you like whose owners are worse off financially than I am, you should probably click *their* Amazon links. 🙂

      1. So .. if I click on your Twinkies link, and then buy a box of Suzy-Qs .. you get paid?
        don’t judge me!

  2. I’ve had a couple of good weeks. When I recover from the ~140 hours in demanding conditions I’ve worked the last two weeks, I’ll be ordering a book or three….

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