Well, this is an interesting problem in the NYC Mayor’s campaign:
Today, Dan Amira gave the candidates a “no” test, and only Republican Joe Lhota passed it. The question was: Would you shut down two subway lines for 90 minutes to save a couple of kittens who are loose on the tracks, as NYC Transit did yesterday?
Only Lhota gave the correct answer: No, you do not strand thousands of New Yorkers for 90 minutes in a futile effort to herd two cats whose lives we are inexplicably prioritizing over the rats who are run over, or drowned, or exterminated in the subways every day.
…Well, NYC elections are certainly different, no? Points to Lhota for not lying – but I find it instructive that maybe-Democratic nominee Bill De Blasio somehow completely forgot to answer the question.
Moe Lane
PS: Don’t assume that Lhota made a mistake, by the way. When I worked in the City… well, your average commuter probably would have balked at, say, shooting the kittens if that’s what it’d take to get the trains running again.
…Probably. Best not to ask that question any time in, say, the month of August.
You mean “wouldn’t have balked at”, right?
“The question should never arise. In the McDerp administration, the NYC Transit personnel will not be so frakkin’ incompetent that they need an hour and a half to catch two @#$%&*! kittens.”
The ongoing wussification of America?