If this is true, it’s the funniest thing that I’ve heard all week. [Take it away, Ann Althouse:]
Is the old Obama campaign slideshow “Life of Julia” anywhere to be found on the web?
Back in May 2012, everyone was talking about that graphic depiction of the benefits of various government programs. Remember?
Barack Obama has a new composite girlfriend, and her name is Julia. Her story is told in an interactive feature titled “The Life of Julia” on the Obama campaign website. Julia, who has no face, is depicted at various ages from 3 through 67, enjoying the benefits of various Obama-backed welfare-state programs.
I have something I’d like to say about it, but I can’t find it anywhere on the web. It’s not at the link everyone linked to when everyone was talking about it, which was at the Obama campaign website. The campaign is over, so I guess there’s no obligation to continue to host it, but this was an important historical document, and it shouldn’t fall down the memory hole.
In other words: in her second year Julia was determined to be superfluous for current needs. Accordingly, she was made into an unperson and all records relating to her were memory-holed; her former place of residence is now occupied by a state-patronized propaganda organ currently engaged in touting the effectiveness of a government healthcare access program that has yet to provide healthcare, because no one can access it.
Moe Lane
PS: The thing that annoys me most about the people that work for Barack Obama? They won’t read. I know that they can, and I suspect that they would claim that they do; but a more deliberately blinkered and intellectually incurious bunch you would be hard-pressed to find.
You could say, Julia was ABORTED! *rimshot*
It’s all funny until someone gets hurt, and unfortunately the left seems adamant in their desire to inflict hurt upon the rest of the nation.
And when they’ve discovered the mess they’ve made they’ll say “It’s not my fault I would have voted Republican if they’d give me a moderate”
Team Obama knew exactly whom to target with GOTV operations. The right laughed at “Life of Julia”, and then were dumbfounded at how the worst President in modern history somehow managed to squeak out over 50% of the vote last November. So laugh at Obama and his people all you want; they are winning, and winning handily.
In totally unrelated news, there was a glitch in the EBT payment system which caused certain Julia-type people to go into a panic at a few Wal-Marts.
F-Them, F-Them hard.
Man, not even archive.org has it.
You mean it is only people who work for Obama that suffer this malady? I thought it was all Liberals.
Seriously. I have a friend (most of the time) of the Liberal persuasion. She and I get into some interesting conversations (if you want to call it that). I could provide her with facts written by a reputable source (regardless of political affiliation) and she suddenly doesn’t know how to read. Especially if it’s about healthcare. And especially it includes direct causal analogies with documented evidence.
She just speaks in short bursts…”universal coverage….million upon millions of people….do you want them to just DIE because they don’t have health insurance..”.
Sounds like yet another variation on “Dead men do bleed!”.
In Barack Obama’s America, everyone is disposable.
I don’t recall….did anyone ever make the 1984 Julia tie-in?
Ayup. At least one guy over at Human Events, as soon as it came out:
1984? Don’t go all face rats on us.
“Do it to Julia!… Do it to Julia!… Not me!”
“PS: The thing that annoys me most about the people that work for Barack Obama? They won’t read. I know that they can, and I suspect that they would claim that they do; but a more deliberately blinkered and intellectually incurious bunch you would be hard-pressed to find.”
It’s not just the people who work for him, it’s everyone who supports him. There has got to be some kind of pathology at work to produce that kind of stubborn, willful ignorance, an absolute refusal to face reality. I mean, they can’t all be that dishonest….can they?
“There has got to be some kind of pathology at work …they can’t all be that dishonest….can they?”
In all seriousness, I think that the progressive/secular ideology has morphed into a religion. There are high priests (Obama), missionaries (teachers, professors, journ-o-listers, actors), and devout followers. They are more zealous and active in proselytizing than all other religions combined. And whatever advances their agenda (such as lying) is good. Whatever opposes their agenda is bad and must be destroyed.
Yeah, I…. can’t think of anything that refutes that, actually….