5 thoughts on “My hopeless plea to the horror section of Hollywood.”

  1. New ideas are risky. Old ideas — particularly the ones where you own all the rights — are safe.

  2. New ideas are extremely rare, if they even exist.
    There are 5 basic plots. Everything is going to derivative to some extent or another.
    The target demographic for these films are too young to have ever seen the originals. But the original is recent enough for marketing data to still be mostly valid.
    So it does sort of make sense.
    The trouble is, Producers and Directors seem to have a great deal of difficulty playing it straight. The remakes are almost always more of a critique of the original, than a reimagining or retelling of the original story. The best case seems to be when those involved in the remake were huge fans of the original, and you get a loving homage. But this happens only rarely.

    1. I will point out that the music industry does the same thing .. when boy-bands became hot (Beatles) the industry replied with pre-fab boy-bands (Monkees) .. and have recycled that pre-fab boy-band format over and over (New Kids, Hanson, Jonas Brothers..)
      The only thing that breaks the cycle are when sales go in the toilet .. then the industry gatekeepers will let some upstarts through (Flock of Seagulls, Devo, Nirvana) to see what the next pre-fab boy-band should dress like..
      Movies are the same… and sadly, sales haven’t cratered *enough* yet.

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