“Kooks,” or “Moe’s Messing With Paint.net again.”


…based off of this.


Kooks are, of course, from The Book of Unremitting Horror, which is one of Pelgrane Press‘s more useful horror roleplaying supplements – which is saying something, considering how freaking good Pelgrane is at horror games.  The picture is much less so, but mucking about with photo distortion is entertaining in its own right.  Besides, it might encourage GMs to do their own stuff along those lines, and that is something that’s worth encouraging.

Moe Lane

5 thoughts on ““Kooks,” or “Moe’s Messing With Paint.net again.””

  1. You do realize you’re practically inviting me to spam your e-mail addy, don’t you?
    Make it official, and I’ll drop a campaign on you. (4 of 6 files being artwork compilations, modified with the same program. Embedding them into MS Word did nasty things to the resolution, but at the scale in question, it’s still in the “good enough for a MacGuffin” range.)
    Paint.net is a good program, and you can’t beat the price.
    It drove me nuts trying to fill, though.
    And for some reason I never figured out, it doesn’t like to size inserted text consistently for me. It’s like it bases the font size on the original piece, not what you’ve since shrunken it down to. Some of the captions I did are barely legible. (Which I rationalized into being a feature, rather than a bug.)

      1. Getting a group together is the hardest part. (Unless you’re masochistic enough to recruit teenyboppers.)
        The campaign I was going to start last month fell through.
        I was able to recruit a minimum-sized group of mature individuals, but wasn’t able to get enough players to create any degree of redundancy. Then life happened. Work schedules changed, piano lessons for the kids got moved around, etc. So the campaign went back in the drawer.
        I *think* I’ll be able to pull it out in January, but…
        Seriously, if you’ve already got players, you’re 9/10s of the way there. You can create and prep a short campaign in only a handful of hours. Brushing up on the ruleset might take two more. Handouts and feelies can eat as much time as you’re willing to spend, but if you limit them to major plot hooks and MacGuffins, it’s not too bad. (Just don’t leave the bronze slug you’ve painstakingly turned into an ancient coin where the kids can get it. It *will* disappear.)

        1. The key to being able to get a group together is to live in the sort of town where educated people are under-employed. Like a college town where a certain percentage of the graduates never want to face the real world, so they get factory jobs and stuff. I have three groups meeting at my house per week at the moment, and all of them have at least three GMs.

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