No, I am not being sarcastic, actually.
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday appointed a veteran of the struggles to transform New York City neighborhoods such as Times Square into hubs of tourism, luxury housing and high-price offices to lead the city’s urban-planning efforts.
The choice of Carl Weisbrod, an elder statesmen of the city’s development community, to lead the City Planning Commission and the City Planning Department unsettled some of the mayor’s liberal supporters and reassured the real-estate industry.
I mean, did you ever SEE the sh*thole that was Times Square before it got fixed? I walked through there ONCE in the bad old days, and didn’t go back for years afterward. People on the Left may sneer at ‘Disneyification:’ but what they carefully forget to mention is that the process by definition makes the surroundings safer for kids. Mayor de Blasio is going to run NYC in the ground, sure – but at least he’s not appointing somebody who actually regrets losing Times Square to the forces of bourgeois morality*.
Hey, you take the wins where you can get them.
Bill de Blasio’s new housing chief built his reputation gentrifying & Disneyfying Times Square
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) February 9, 2014
Moe Lane
*It astounds me that there are people like that, too. Fortunately, there aren’t many of them; unfortunately, the ones who do exist also know how to use the Internet.
Sadly, we know that there are Leftists who flat-out just don’t like kids.
People on the Left may sneer at ‘Disneyification:’ but what they carefully forget to mention is that the process by definition makes the surroundings safer for kids.
In Democrat-controlled cities, downtown is not healthy for children and other living things.