I love the expression on Bill Kristol’s face here (via @aceofspadeshq*).

That is the look of a man who has rolled a rhetorical hand grenade into a room, and is now waiting with keen interest to see  which of his ideological opponents is going to volunteer to jump on it.

Annnd it’s Chuck Todd.  Who is visibly not enthralled with being stuck being the guy who has to come up with the answer to (I paraphrase) In one sentence, what’s Hillary Clinton’s main qualification to be President?

Well played, Bill Kristol.  Well played.


…but you clearly don’t need me to tell you that.

Moe Lane

*I mention this because Ace has had people quoting his comments section again over his posts, and I wanted to make it clear that I read AoSHQ’s main page.

4 thoughts on “I love the expression on Bill Kristol’s face here (via @aceofspadeshq*).”

  1. To paraphrase Chuck Todd: ummm….uhhhh….welll….bunch of non-specifics….she traveled a lot and repaired our reputation.

    So, um, how’s that repaired reputation of Liberal America holding up these days? Sure don’t need any more of those “accomplishments”.

  2. Yesterday, PJ Media ran a caption contest for titles for Hillary´s new book. One of the funniest/best was: “I slept with Bill Clinton and all I got was this lousy pantsuit!”

  3. I read about this and watched the video at lunchtime, and then Rush had a caller who told him about it. It was pretty hilarious.

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