Gallup notes that the GOP is looking about as good as Democrats to Americans these days.

Excuse me while I give this non-integral and unsecured support beam for the Democratic party base’s sense of self a good, hearty kicking:

Americans’ views of the Democratic and Republican parties are now similar, mainly because of their more positive ratings of the GOP.


Americans view both parties negatively overall, with a 40% favorable and 57% unfavorable rating for the Republican Party, and a 42% favorable and 54% unfavorable rating for the Democratic Party.

Oh, Gallup.  Tell the truth: you guys just enjoy watching the chaos that results when you toss a poll like this into the room, don’t you?

To  be sure, Gallup does try to make the Democrats feel better by asserting that “if Republicans do well on Election Day this year it does not necessarily equate to a voter mandate for the party and its policies.”  :shrug:  Maybe it will, and maybe it won’t.  …And?  The Republican party has never concerned itself overmuch whether people love us, just as long as they vote for us (because sometimes you actually do have to eat your vegetables). Is that the smart way to do things? Many people would say no.  Does our attitude cause us long-term problems? Sure.  Is that going to be a problem in November? Not for us.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

PS: How can the Democrats get past this problem in order to goose their 2014 voter efforts to surpass 2012’s?  :cheerfully: I haven’t got a clue*! …And I wonder if the Democrats do.  Or the pollsters.

*’So what else is new?’  Hyuck, hyuck, everybody’s a comedian.

2 thoughts on “Gallup notes that the GOP is looking about as good as Democrats to Americans these days.”

  1. What should really make Democrats nervous is that this is a poll of adults. Registered voters are a couple points more GOP than adults on average, and likely voters are a couple points more GOP than that.

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