He figures that she will; Senator Claire McCaskill said that she won’t, but politicians always say that they’re not interested in a new job, right up to the point where they actively start campaigning for one. Besides, back in September of 2014 it still looked like the Democrats had a legitimate shot at keeping the Senate. Given that it’s now very much an open question about whether the Democrats can actually manage to retake the Senate – when Landrieu loses next week, the answer is going to be ‘probably not*.’ I can’t imagine that the next four years are going to be any fun for Claire McCaskill, particularly since she is a pre-loaded prime target for Republican strategists in 2018.
And this time we’ll have the perfect candidate for her seat. Even if it means we have to grow him or her in a vat.
Moe Lane
PS: Will she win? I don’t know. Jay Nixon is certainly not going to be in a position to do her any favors by then.
*The difference between 53 and 54 gives us a lot more margin than does the difference between, say, 52 and 53. Weird but true.
McCaskill for Governor? Heheheh.
Though I’m for primarying Roy Blunt’s tail too. I’m still not forgiving for that pre-primary RS endorsement of the Senator from K-street. The next time he represents Missouri will be the 1st.