I have difficulty believing that this @erichoteham account is real.

I know Twitchy is having fun here and here with this Eric Hoteham Twitter account (for those unaware, ‘Eric Hoteham’ is supposedly the guy who set up the rapidly-becoming-infamous ‘ClintonEmail.com’ private account for Hillary Clinton), but it can’t be real.  There is no way that the Clinton campaign would keep around somebody who did something this stupid.

I don’t care who you are, that’s a campaign-killer right there. Everybody in this business knows that you don’t make even silly death threats like that* when you’re part of a campaign team. It’s absolutely counter-productive. I hate to be that guy, but… this has to be a fake. A better fake than usual, but still a fake.

Moe Lane

*I assume that the other woman was also from the American House of Cards.  I wouldn’t know: watching the original House of Cards kind of made it impossible for me to stay interested in the remake.

8 thoughts on “I have difficulty believing that this @erichoteham account is real.”

  1. Personally, I’ve learned to never underestimate human stupidity, so I’d still give it a 20 percent chance of being real.

    1. Our host has mentioned the “invulnerability” mindset that affects some politicians .. one imagines it could infect the staffers as well.

    1. Yeah, general tone. Faking the Other Side’s mindset and communications style is a lot harder than it looks: I mean, I spent half of my life as a Democrat and I would hesitate to try to pretend to be one these days. You need to be able to legitimately think like your target, and most people can’t. Including virtually all of the people who think that they can.

      1. A good primer is playing Role playing games and playing different alignments. If you are always playing a paladin, you won’t think like an assassin.

        1. Hmmm. Perhaps there is a business opportunity here to produce such a game. You could market it as training material for professional trolls.

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