After three months of Democratic nonsense, Democratic hackery, Democratic filibustering, Democratic delay, Democratic posturing, and general Democratic disregard for the underlying issue of human trafficking… the Senate bill finally passes. The final vote? As of 4:30 PM:
The final vote was 99-0. Just in case you were wondering whether any of those Democrats actually had a principled reason for holding up a vote for all those months. …Nope! Fighting human trafficking is all very well, but when it comes to Democratic Senators the principle took a distinct second place to expanding access to abortion. It took them a ridiculous amount of time for them to realize that Harry Reid does not actually have super-powers, and that being the minority in the Senate really and truly does have consequences…
But it’s over now. Finally. Which means… well, it means that Loretta Lynch will probably get confirmed as Attorney General tomorrow. And by ‘probably’ I’m thinking of the actual, specific date: not whether she’ll ever be confirmed. She’s going to be confirmed. Be prepared for that to happen.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
Look at it this way .. we got an extra 3 months out of (neutered) AG Eric Holder…
Now, if only Lynch’s vote could attract a few “Nay” votes …
Oh, gosh no. Don’t telegraph weakness…..
One upside to the 2016 election already being a *thing* .. and having attracted several Seantors** .. is the Lynch nom almost has to garner *some* “Nay” votes.
It shall be interesting to see whether the big talkers have the stones to walk.
** Attention all Senators (and staffers thereof) – no, your time in the Senate does *NOT* qualify you to seek higher office. Running a State does. Go run for governor. This is not negotiable.
And tomorrow, the Republican Senate is going to vote to confirm Loretta Lynch, who testified that Obama has the power and authority to rule by decree in violation of Federal laws, as either Attorney General or Reichsfuehrer SS, the difference being academic at this point. Today, Republican Senate Leader McConnell introduced a bill to renew and extend the power of the Executive Branch to spy on Americans under the Patriot Act. There will be no changes in the unconstitutional provisions. He bypassed all committee hearings.
At some point, future historians will pick a year when the American Republic ended and the American Empire began. I suspect they will put that point in our past.
Since Lynch will replace Holder, and since most everyone in the DoJ is looking at days in office for the US AG, then nothing different will be done other than the usual trimming of the sails as the storm of 2016 rolls up.
For the minority caucus in the Senate, since the current minority leader is passing on, now is the time to shake the dust of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi years from the sandals and start moving into positions that are acceptable in those states with an eye towards reelection.
You know – normalcy – because the Obama-Reid-Pelosi Coalition did not care about normalcy or the reelection prospects of the Democrats, ever.*
*Since this is the centenary of WWI it is fitting to note that the Obama-Reid-Pelosi coalition had little compunction about sending their troops out of the trenches and over the top and into a massacre.
But hey, they got ObamaCare passed.
“Since Lynch will replace Holder, and since most everyone in the DoJ is looking at days in office for the US AG, then nothing different will be done other than the usual trimming of the sails as the storm of 2016 rolls up.”
I’ve worked in bureaucracies; for all of the activists there are many who silently curse them as they try to do their jobs, the actual real jobs of the agencies. And find themselves being pulled off away from what they know needs to be done to address the cause of the day.
My experience is at the state level, but I would be surprised if the same does not occur at the federal level.
You don’t give the republican urge to sell out enough credit.
The vote is scheduled for today.
And she is now confirmed.
McConnell was one of those voting in favor.
Yep. 56 to 43, 10 gutless D.C. turd Republicans voted to confirm.
That’s .. frankly a better showing than I’d expected.