It’s true. Somebody’s buying this stuff…
I’m tired of the charade. Every time a chain rolls out some new frankenfood, we all look at each other nervously and then someone clears his throat and harrumphs, “Personally I find the thought of putting a sloppy joe between two Cinnabons revolting,” and the rest of us murmur our agreement. And meanwhile all we’re thinking is: When does it come out?
…and it can’t all be people none of us personally know. I mean, I’ll be the first to admit it: when I worked for the Scotsman we’d routinely throw three things from the menu together, maybe deep fry it, and then call it a post-closing snack. People like to make weird food items. They may not like to eat the whole thing, but they like to make them.
You had to get creative when you were sick of eating the same food on break every day. I made fajitas (among other creations that I’m trying to remember, but none turned out as well) at BK in the early 90s.
Being young, wild, with just all of this stuff around and the manager isn’t here…let’s try something better than spatula duels, let’s…make a new food item.
That sound boss, daddy-o?
“Artisanal” is what “Eco” and “Green” and “X” and “Cyber” were. It is the latest “buzzword” for the “Hip” to differentiate themselves from the “squares”.
And the marketers will burn that phrase to the ground as the new hep cats and cool kittens fasten onto another fad to show that they are not like those dreary sorts stuck out in the ‘burbs.
Can you dig it? Yeah man, I knew you could. That’s cool, groovy.