This is pretty straightforward, actually:
RT @ali This is pretty damning.
— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) June 18, 2015
Former SecState Condoleezza Rice will cost less to speak AND will raise more money for your charity than former SecState Hillary Clinton does and will. It’s just basic math. Mind you, Rice was also a better SecState than Clinton was, anyway…
How on earth the GOP hasn’t convinced Condi to run for anything else eludes me. She could give ol’ Moonbeam a run for his money…..
I’m pretty sure she’s happy doing what she’s doing and doesn’t need that kind of grief…
I believe that she’s angling for NFL Commissioner.
And most of us NFL fans are angling for that too.
What always amazes me is how successful as human beings many Republicans are, and how Democrats are such utter failures at simple decency.
It’s built into the system we have. The permanent government is filled (“Thanks” to FDR) with Democrats, who use their power to help their friends and punish their enemies (See : Ted Stevens vs. Hillary!). to be a successful Republican, you have to be an amazing human being, or the IRS/EPA/INS/etc. would have destroyed you. And when there is no accountability in a system, cheaters rise to the top (Game theory is quite clear on this). Thus the debris that is the Democrat leadership…..
Sort of reminds me about how that one Boys and Girls Club in New York City was looted to try and keep Air America broadcasting.
Let’s be honest, Mr. Lane. It’s all about front end vs. back end. Ms. Rice will fund raise you good, honest money. Hillary! has to get paid, but millions of Other Peoples Money just might find their way into your pockets. It’s all about what kind of organization you want to be…..