That’s just beautiful. Simply beautiful*. And probably all a staffer’s fault anyway, but never mind that right now.
.@HillaryClinton fewer*
— victoria berenstain (@victoriaramirez) August 12, 2015
Oh, Weird Al? That’s your cue.
Moe Lane
*There is a counter-argument, but it’s based on the ‘popular usage legitimizes!‘ principle. That’s a dark road to take.
At this point the fact that the unpaid staffer in charge of her twitter account isn’t as fluent in English as advertised is the least of HRC’s problems. Sanders is ahead of her in NH, Biden is waiting for the O’bama bus to run her over before getting in, the FBI has her server and her lawyers’ thumbdrives, she did have Confidential info in her emails, someone apparently went thru and removed the Confidential markings on her emails (I hope that poor schmuck got paid cause they’re going to do time in prison) and some of her top aids also stored Confidential info on her server. Did I miss anything?
Yeah, that she’s less popular than gonorrhea
Had a thought yesterday.
I’ve opined before that Hillary isn’t really running, and I think I may have figured out what she’s really up to. It’s very “Chicago Way” / “MAD”, but it seems to hang together…
Everything you said, Catseyes, is true – and, let’s assume there are other irregularities from her time as SecState as well.. and let’s assume other folks in the current administration are aware of ’em.
Let’s also assume, for the sake of argument, that Team Clinton have – from the old DLC records through Hillary’s SecState records – some dirt on Team Obama.. and on most of the Dems in the Senate.
Private Citizen Clinton .. and even Former President Clinton don’t have the media access to be able to drop bombshells from high enough to demand (extort is such an ugly word) pardons .. but *Candidate* Clinton does.
So .. could the entire point to her candidacy, something she *really* doesn’t seem to enjoy, nor has any particular talent for, be simply to keep her visible enough in the press that any bombshells she drops *can’t* be ignored? Some kind of Mutually Assured Destruction death-grapple with the current White House?
Hmmm … acat, there may be a simpler explanation. Let’s say she continues to run until November 2015 or so, and then drops out for “health reasons” or to “spend more time with her granddaughter.” What happens to all the campaign money she’s raised?
Also, I suspect that Hillary! and Our President have worked out a deal in which he pardons her in early January 2017 for any and all crimes, discovered or undiscovered, that she has committed … in return for her not revealing what she knows about him.
(Don’t count on her not double-crossing him afterwards, though.)
Oh, certainly .. follow the money should *always* be in the playbook.
That said .. given Obama’s history .. she can’t count on him not double-crossing her either ..
Government by Mexican standoff. Beautiful problem for the *other party* to have, eh?
Yes, two of the classified e-mail were Top Secret, Special Compartmentalized Signals Intelligence. This is much more serious than Confidential. Remember there were four classified email out of a sample of 40. Ten percent of the sample is classified. The Dowager Empress of Chapaqua had 30,000 or so e-mail erased.
Nice classical reference there, Texas 1911. I approve of the comparison.
The hellish damage is done when “sources and methods” are revealed. I strongly suspect that that is the case, here: that the actual information in the emails was of only moderate import, but that the fact of having it revealed where and how the information was obtained.
Heh, Weird Al was doing an interview on sports radio 1310 The Ticket. And he made a joke about putting stickers over the sign at the grocery story to change from saying “10 items or less” to “10 items or fewer”.