In the Mail: “The Wars of Atlantis” by Phil Masters. Yes, THAT Phil Masters.

…And that title should nicely confuse my Twitter followers who aren’t also roleplaying geeks. For the rest of you: hey-hey! British gaming writer Phil Masters wrote a book for Dark Osprey called The Wars of Atlantis!  Ordered it Sunday, just showed up now. It’s about… well, just what the title says: wars. Involving Atlantis.  Anyway, going to read it today. I figure that it’s going to be good, because: hey, Phil Masters. 

No, seriously, this guy is like one of the Scary Good Ones of the RPG field. Makes it look effortless, too, which is always annoying. In that special sort of ‘not-really-annoying’ way, of course.

Moe Lane

PS: Osprey has got my particular demographic down cold with this book line, let me tell you.