I cannot grasp why Dana Milbank cannot grasp this.
My Post colleague Jason Rezaian, the paper’s Tehran bureau chief, has been languishing in an Iranian jail for 15 months on bogus charges of espionage. He was put on secret trial by a kangaroo court. On Sunday, Iranian state TV reported that he had been convicted.
And Obama said . . . nothing.
Jason Rezaian was in Barack Obama’s way. Oh, sure, if Obama could snap his fingers and release Rezaian he would have. …Probably. But the Iranians clearly want Rezaian convicted, and the President wants a deal with Iran more than the Iranians themselves do, apparently, and… well. I don’t think that the President is an actual sociopath. He’s just, ah, not very thoughtful of others.
“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one… unless you’re the President of the United States and a spoiled little needy ^&@#%&@%#.”
Dana hasn’t figured out that he is merely a missionary for the Progressive Religion, and that missionaries are expendable.
Oh let me assure you , O is a sociopath . If you , dear reader , would like to think that thru , the relevant clinical material is the Hare Psychopathology Checklist . read / review it and weep . The President is a sociopath .
If only Obama were willing to speak so forcefully and passionately to the Iranian regime, Jason Rezaian might be a free man.
Yeah, Dana … we’ve heard this before from you True Believers. “Oh, if only Comrade Stalin knew! He would release my innocent husband from the gulag!”
if we’re lucky and good we might get him sprung 1/20/17. something like it happened before.