I disagree with this.
“There’s something in the DNA of liberals that makes them want to go into jobs like the arts, journalism and academia more so than conservatives,” Mr. Groseclose said. “Even if you’re just trying to maximize profits by offering an alternative point of view, it’s hard to find conservative reporters. So it’s natural the media is more liberal.”
The reason why I write here and at RedState and PJ Lifestyle and at Watchdog and whatnot and NOT at, say, the Washington Post is very simple: nobody at the WaPo would be willing to hire me*. And yes, people from the left-wing equivalents of RedState get hired by media corporations all the time. This does not in fact infuriate me – my life is actually pretty good, I have a nice New Media gig, and I don’t have to wear a suit all that often – but I can imagine how it might bother others.
Moe Lane
*Note that I don’t distinguish between advocacy and straight news reporting, there. Why should I? Everybody else does, after all.
Ezra whatever had an opportunity to pitch Vox to the owner of the WaPo and say how much it would take to get Vox* going. Ezra was able to do that with a straight face.**
The hard Left propaganda bend is just natural, really natural!
*Over a million if I recall correctly.
**God alone knows how; heck, his suit was comical enough.
I’m pretty sure it was actually ten million.
Also, apparently trying to post one comment is “posting comments too quickly” tonight.
I sometimes get “posting comments too quickly” the first time I try to post something.
I suspect it’s code for “someone else hit submit at the same time, and you lost.”
If that’s the case, that’s a nasty bug.
Eh. I figure it’s a single-threaded comment-parser.
Reads a comment, looks for any banned keywords Moe may have picked, looks for nasty HTML (including multiple links in one message) and then – if it’s clean – posts it.
Since most blogs aren’t *that* busy, there’s no need to multi-thread it… and it’s a hellaton easier to write single-threaded.
Of course, Neil could show up and tell me I’m wrong…..
Ah, the lies that liberals tell themselves…
“We believe in diversity, that’s why our faculty is ideologically in lockstep even though we have varying melanin content.”
“We believe in hiring the best, that’s why all our reporters are in ideological lockstep even though none will ever pay back their J-Skool degrees.”
“We’re diverse! That’s why the Dem candidates are so uniformly old and white!”
Fixed it for Mr. Groseclose:
There’s something in the DNA of liberals that makes them become parasites on the body politic.
Snark aside, that the left is openly othering/delegitimizing the right across a wide spectrum of the culture should be setting off some serious alarm bells. We’ve seen this movie and it didn’t end well.
Note that Mizzou had a rep as a pretty good J-skool… for values of J-skool, of course.